Greetings citizens of love!
“How did it get so late so soon?” – Dr. Seuss
And just like that it is December. We are witnessing time in a different way. We often use the saying “time flies” to describe our experience of life’s situations and events.
Everything in this physical life is aimed at distracting us into instant gratification. With technology literally at our fingertips, this is no surprise and as a result, patience is no longer a practice.
However, the human consciousness is transforming. We are realizing that we are not our thinking minds or our physical bodies alone. Consciousness is beyond time as we know it. Our Ego would like
us to believe otherwise. In our limited thinking minds, we relate time to physical death.
The spiritual aspect of life supports our evolution in the Universal Consciousness, and our capacity to practice awareness creates miracles. Sound too simple? That is because it is. Miracles are in the
present moment. Time has nothing to do with it because time is not what we think it is.
The reason we are so sceptical and resistant to miracles, is that our Ego continually references the past, specifically the memories of what went wrong.
We must expand our awareness through self-mastery and move beyond our 5 senses, with trust and faith that everything we need is here, right now. Expect miracles.
As it is above, so it is below:
The New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius is 12 December 2023 and the truth is revealed. Remember that emotions can feel more intense, however this is a good opportunity to express your needs in a more compassionate way.
Mercury turns retrograde 12 December 2023 and goes direct 2 January 2023. Practice all the usual cautions until 21 January 2024.
The Full Moon is in the sign Cancer on 26 December 2023. This is the universal mother energy and there is a sincere longing to be nurtured and cared for, or perhaps you are doing the nurturing and caring for others. Too much dependency on others can make you feel more emotional than usual. Practice self-awareness and acknowledge your emotions as they come up for you.
I wish you a month of abundant blessings!
Love and miracles,