
March Newsletter 2024

March 2024

Greetings citizens of love!

“Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.” – Francis Bacon

Your choices need to be made in a state of awakened awareness or the alternative is suffering with the anxiety that is born from doubt. Self-doubt is so well programmed into the human psyche that it can sometimes feel almost impossible to trust anything else.

Trust is the essence of confidence. Self-confidence involves a daily practice of integrity. To learn to trust yourself, in order to release doubt, is a way of life; or if anything, it needs to become a new way of life.

The ego mind is so well rehearsed in everything that encompasses fear, that even when the truth feels good, your attention will be distracted by what is wrong. There is only one way through doubt and that is to be still, be silent, and listen. Listen to your thoughts and then look at what in your thinking is preventing you from choosing what feels true and good for you.

Awareness teaches the capacity to tell the difference between fear and trust. However, the first point of trust comes from the power within you. And that power needs your conscious choices, it needs you to stop thinking and to be still and listen.

I am at your service for all your spiritual needs. Visit my contact page to make your booking.

As it is above so it is below:

Mercury, the planet that governs every level of communication and electronics, as well as movable parts, will begin his shadow period on 15 March 2024 and turns station by the 27th March and turns retrograde 1 April until his direct motion 25th April 2024. Triple check everything, back up all your devices, and expect delays. Take your time and avoid rushing into decisions until mid-May 2024.

The New Moon is in the sign Pisces on 10 March 2024, and all things psychic and dream state are emphasised at this time. Take extra good care of your personal energy field. Practice compassion and be aware of what is truly your feelings versus others’ and how those feelings impact you.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is in the sign Libra on 25 March 2024. An eclipse is the universe giving you a gigantic wake up kick in the butt. This is an ending, or completions time and everything secretive comes to light. Awareness is vital to your personal feelings of harmony.

Remember that the effects of this Eclipse started a few weeks ago and next month the Solar eclipse continues this trend. More about that in the April newsletter.

I wish you a blessings filled month!

Love and miracles,

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