
September 2023 Newsletter

September 2023

Greetings citizens of love!

“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”Brodi Ashton

At the centre of life’s process is choice. If you do not have a conscious awareness of every aspect of yourself, the good, the bad and the ugly, then the part of your conditioned human thinking that has the most power will rule over everything else.

You may wish to change certain areas of your life; however, this change can only be achieved with
an awareness of your Self. The All-inclusive Self. Choice is the first point of direction. What direction would you like to take in your life? If you’re feeling directionless, examine your choices.

Taking responsibility for your choices, shifts your consciousness into an empowering state of creation. Every decision you make will either keep you in alignment with your desires or further away from them.

Once you allow yourself to accept that you have choices and that you are the one making them, you invite guidance and support from the Universe. Think of this in terms of light or darkness, love, or fear. You are always choosing one or the other. Go back to basics and teach yourself to make awakened choices that nurture your life’s daily experiences.

Being your own hero means having accountability and integrity; honoring your word and taking actions that support your well-being.

As it is above, so it is below:

The New Moon in the sign of Virgo is 14 September 2023 and symbolises a time of fresh starts and new beginnings around health and work area of life. A good time to begin a new fitness program or to re-evaluate your work situation.

The Full Moon in the sign of Aries is 29 September 2023 and this symbolises completions, endings, and illumination. Transformation is the key word, whether its physical or psychological for you, remember that Self -awareness can support you in avoiding emotional outbursts and drama.

Venus goes direct 3 September 2023, hold back until the end of the month if you need to make
changes to your hair style, or have cosmetic surgery. If a past love returned, you will have more
clarity at the end of the month.

Jupiter turns retrograde in the sign of Taurus on 4 September 2023 to 30 December 2023. This is a time of very slow growth, be practical and patient.

Mercury goes direct 15 September 2023, and only full steam ahead by 30 September 2023, be cautious until then.

As with all things astrological, your personal birth chart will give you more information of how any of these affect you. View My Service and make a booking via my contact page.

Next month we have the Eclipse season upon us, and you may already be feeling it’s intensity.
Eclipses bring change and transformation in a big way. More about this in the October newsletter.

I wish you a healthy, and blessed month!

Love and miracles,

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