
February 2021 Newsletter

February 2021

Greetings Citizens of Love!

Welcome to February, the second month of the year, where we will be shown that working alongside others brings co-operation and when discipline is applied, as we learned in 2020, there is innovation beyond imagination.

With Mercury, our beloved planet of communication, in his retrograde motion, there is more focus on slowing down, planning, researching, and a much preferred ‘taking our time’ with serious decisions. Communication can become tricky and the best thing to do is to express our desires, our needs, and our beliefs clearly in our interactions asking questions instead of assuming and accepting that we do not all have the same point of view.

Life can be unpredictable as well as exciting. You may notice a rebellious streak against old and traditional ideas. There is a need for freedom, and expansion, however, discipline is the keyword.

Behaviour patterns have become part of cultural conditioning and in order for us to experience the best versions of our Self, there has to be a shift in consciousness. It involves an acknowledgment of the obvious, then seeing the feeling, and finally a willingness to transform the obvious.

For example, I notice that I am rushing to get to the next task (the obvious) written in my diary, and this leaves me feeling resentful (seeing the feeling) for not having enough time for myself (the obvious result). Without willingness, nothing can be changed.

Therefore, my willingness to put aside time for myself, frees me from resentment and a shift takes place in my awareness, in that practicing self-love is an art that involves a commitment to the Self, and with disciplined action, a transformation occurs. Now I can be the best version of myself.

I invite you to look at your behaviours and feelings that are ‘less than’ because of these behaviours, or habits. Acknowledge the obvious, feel the feeling and see the obvious result playing out in your life. Now choose something different and commit to a changed action in order to experience a different outcome. Patience, perseverance, and persistence can help you achieve a whole lot more!

As it is above, so it is below

The New Moon is on 11 February 2021 and as with all new moons, this is the energy of beginnings and a time to plant the seeds for innovative ideas, planning the future, and making time for introspection.

Mercury goes direct on 20 February 2021, however, his stationary and shadow period puts him only fully functional and reliable on 13 March 2021, i.e. take your time and avoid rushing into any Mercury retro “do not’s”.
The Full Moon is on 27 February 2021 and as with all full moons, the moonlight shines on completions, endings, and changes in how you do your work and health aspects, a time to be more organized and review possibilities.

I wish you a healthy and blessed month!

Love and miracles,

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