
January 2023 Newsletter

January 2023

Happy New Year citizens of love!

“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”  –John Steinbeck, (Author)

In numerology 2023 is a universal 7, a year of direction and or restrictions, reputation and commitment, and a time of spiritual growth. The Great Law that governs our universe teaches that you get what you give. I invite you to commit this year to giving away the one thing you desire most in your life.
Consider the impact you will have on the world around you by committing to acceptance or love or trust or compassion or peace. Treat your commitment as if it was a seed that you plant in a pot. What does it need in order to grow and thrive? Cultivate a habit of nurturing your commitment
daily. Release any idea or thought related to an expectation of an outcome. Simply give attention to your commitment and follow through with the appropriate action.
The goal is to be the best version of your self each day. Imagine what it would be like to be in the presence of someone’s best version of their self, how would that affect you?
I am available for all your spiritual needs, visit my contact page to make a booking.
As it is above, so it is below:
The Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer on 6 January 2023. Cancer is ruled by the moon and is emphasizing strong emotions around your sense of security, home and family. As with all full moons this is a time of completions and endings. Turn your attention to nurturing your self and or others.
Mars goes direct 12 January 2023, the time to feel inspired and make progress again after being retrograde since 30 October 2022. Remember that he needs time to be full steam ahead, practice patience for the next few weeks.
Mercury, the planet that governs logic, understanding, communication, travel, legal documents, movable parts, is turning direct on 18 January 2023, however he is stationary for 6 days before slowly moving forward, and out of his shadow by the 7 February 2023. Awareness of this will support you in avoiding feeling frustrated. For best results with starting new projects, or relationships, or business, wait until 7 February 2023.
The New Moon is in the sign of Aquarius on 21 January 2023. The Aquarian sign is fixed air (focused or stubborn) and focuses on the people, community, groups and friends. A time of new beginnings and fresh starts, new ideas and innovation. Set your goals for the year now.

I wish you an abundantly blessed 2023!

Love and miracles,

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